Monday, July 12, 2010


OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
CLI - Composite Leading Indicator

* Designed to provide early signals of turning points between expansions & slowdowns of economic activity.
* OECD compiles CLIs for 29 member countries, 6 non-member economies, & 7 country groupings.
* The CLI comprises a set of component series selected from a wide range of key short-term economic indicators to ensure that the indicators will still be suitable when change in economic structures occur in the future.
* A common way to exploit CLI data is to take their YoY growth rate
* Releases are monthly, on the Friday of the first full week of the month, & refer to activity two months earlier (i.e. Jan's release reports leading indicators for Nov)

* The US has its own set of domestic leading economic indicators by the Conference Board, a business research group in NY (i.e. the Index of Leading Economic Indictaors)
